• Director Surgery 29/8/24

    SSPMCL Director Surgery – 29th August 2024 An opportunity for residents of The Pavilion & Ivory Building to drop in and meet with residential directors of the management company to…

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  • SSP SC Accounts to 31/12/23

    The Service Charge Accounts for St Stephens Pavilion Management Company Ltd were discussed by directors at a meeting held on Monday 25th March 2024, the accounts were then signed off…

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  • Minutes from AGM 29/11/23

    The AGM for St Stephens Pavilion Management Company Ltd was held on Wednesday 29th November 2023 at 1900hrs Copies of the meetings minutes are available at www.sspmcl.co.uk/downloads or by following…

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  • SSP AGM 29/11/23

    The AGM for St Stephens Pavilion MCL will take place online on Wednesday 29th November 2023 at 7pm The AGM will be online to give the highest number of members…

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  • Parcel Lockers

    Parcel Lockers Update November 2020 The Directors of the Management Company are committed to lowering our carbon footprint and have now introduced parcel lockers to St Stephens Pavilion to help…

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  • Norfolk and Norwich Hospital: A Journey Through Time!

    Norfolk and Norwich Hospital: A Journey Through Time! James Fox, an artist from Aylsham, has created a number of videos which morph modern day images of Norfolk towns to those…

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  • Amendments to Visitor Parking Provision

    Amendments to Visitor Parking Provision Following feedback received from residents, as well as a Director’s surgery held on 13th September 2018 and further discussions at a Directors meeting held on…

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  • Warning – Visitor Parking Permit (Scratch cards)

    Visitor Parking Permit (Scratch cards) Warning From Monday 3rd September 2018 only SSPMCL 24hrs Visitor Parking Permit (Scratch cards) shown below are valid when parking in the Visitor Parking (VP)…

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  • Community Defibrillator Seminar – 13th Sept 2018

    Community Defibrillator Seminar Date: Thursday 13th September 2018 Time: 1930hrs Venue: Board Room 1, Admin Building, St Stephens Pavilion, St Stephens Road, Norwich, Norfolk. NR1 3SG The Community Heartbeat Trust…

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  • Resident & Visitor Parking

    Resident & Visitor Parking Residents have an allocated bay for their property and should clearly display their parking permit.  Please Note: Bay numbers within the car park DO NOT match…

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